DEFICIENCY of zinc occurs because you do not get enough food rich of zinc. Zinc is found in high concentration in meat, seafood - oysters retain the highest concentration - and milk products
Improve all aspects of your health by making sure that you take enough zinc. A lot of people know that zinc has properties to improve the immune system, but this mineral actually has amazing health benefits.
Zinc is so important because it is in every tissue in the body and is directly involved in cell division. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancer, but zinc is also involved in the proper functioning of the endocrine and the maintenance of ideal hormone levels.
of zinc in both,men or women reduced libido. Low zinc also exacerbates the effects of stress on ogranizam and accelerates aging. Adequate zinc is essential for optimal physical performance, energy levels and body composition.Zinc affects protein synthesis and is required for the proper functioning of red and white blood cells. It is highly concentrated in our bones, pancreas, kidneys, liver and retina.
This article will give you the top 6 reasons why you need to take care of your zinc levels and to influence and your loved ones to do the same. Deficiency of zinc occurs because you do not get enough food rich in zinc. Zinc is found in high concentration in meat, seafood - oysters retain the highest concentration - and dairy products.
Whole grains and legumes contain cink.Vegetarian have the highest risk of being deficient in zinc, or alcoholics, and people who have digestive problems and a weak stomach acid thereof has been high risk. Taking drugs can cause deficitnost zinc and low levels of almost all essential nutrients.Women who drink contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy are at increased risk of deficitnosti zinc.
Symptoms of zinc deficiency
Low zinc causes altered sense of taste leading to cravings for saltier and sweeter food. Deficitnost is also illustrated by diarrhea, low energy, chronic fatigue, infertility, poor immunity, poor memory, inability to focus, slow wound healing, nerve dysfunction and ringing in the ears.
These symptoms may be present, but because they are so diverse and associated with other medical conditions, it is often difficult to determine that it deficiency of zinc without testing.
* 1 Improve Sports Performance and power of Adequate
Zinc directly affects athletic performance and power development as it plays a major role in the production of anabolic hormones. Research shows that an abundant body of zinc available to a much greater release of the three most important anabolic hormone, testosterone, growth hormone and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Without this, you'll miss the development of muscle and strength from your strong effort in the gym.
A recent study in the journal "Biological Trace Element Research," pointed out that the increased levels of zinc can provide the production of testosterone after exercise. The trial found that giving zinc supplements to athletes trained for four weeks before the test of hard exercise, resulting in increased testosterone after exercise than placebo.
Zinc is an important mineral for good levels of testosterone and prostate cells require very high levels of zinc, for optimal performance. Low zinc in men reduces the production of testosterone, which makes them a risk of developing prostate cancer, and may cause infertility. Inadequate zinc is also associated with reduced libido.
Giving, rats who have had prostate cancer, high doses of therapeutic zinc, led to the healing of cancer cell proliferation and helped the rats maintain body weight, which is an indicator of better overall health and homeostasis. There is evidence of reducing biomarkers that indicate oxidative stress and inflammation of the prostate, using zinc supplementation. Overall enzyme levels were better. In contrast, the placebo group had a rapid increase of the cancer cells, and weight loss.
First, the zinc binds to the insulin so that insulin adequately stored in the pancreas and released when glucose enters the blood stream.
Second, zinc improves the health of cells, making a component of the enzyme necessary to the insulin bound to the cell so that the glucose can not enter, and that is used as fuel. The process of binding of insulin to the cell is what applies to the term "insulin sensitivity" and means that the cell is receptive to insulin.
When inuslin binds to the cell, "opens the door" to make glucose unable to penetrate. If the cell is resistant to insulin, glucose remains in the blood stream, resulting in high blood sugar, and eventually leading to fat gain. When zinc concentration falls, there is a reduction in insulin secretion and peripheral insulin sensitivity, leading to diabetes.
Third, the zinc has anti-inflammatory effects, as mentioned in 5 * through its role reversal of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein. Zinc also helps remove substances that cause inflammation in cells, helping to preserve the health of cells and insulin sensitivity.
Before you start taking zinc randomly, please note that there is an upper limit. Zinc poisoning influence the weak immunity and infertility, just as bad zinc compromise the immune system. Scientists recommend that you do the test zinc to measure your level and then compared the results begin supplementation. When you start to taking zinc, your levels will rise and you have to do another test six to eight weeks later for best results.
The simplest way to test the zinc taste test did because we know that taste and smell are dependent on adequate zinc in the body. To do this test, get zinc sulfate and take 1-2 teaspoons, take a sip and hold it in your mouth. If it tastes like water, then you are very deficient in zinc. If you have a sense of metal goods, then you are deficient medium. If you have an extremely disgusting taste - very metallic and unpleasant - your levels are probably adequate. This test is based on the individual's perception of taste and not 100 percent valid, but it is good for the beginning.
Another option is serum zinc test, but there are factors that can cause inaccuracies such as fluctuations from meals, stress, diurnal variation and complications due to other nutritional deficitnosti. Plasma zinc test is another option will show a serious deficitnost zinc, but will not indicate moderate deficitnost. One should not rely on this test because even moderate deficitnost adversely affect health.
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Taking zinc produced higher levels of testosterone in athletes than taking a selenium supplement (a powerful antioxidant that minimizes oxidative stress in the testes). The researchers noted that zinc improves conversion rate androstenedione to testosterone, and paired with a very-intensity exercise, allowing the body to produce testosterone at a higher level.
Athletes, both men and women, will use adequate zinc since this mineral ensures healthy release of growth hormone and IGF-1, which are essential for performance and muscle development in both sexes. Plus, raising testosterone after training can improve the restoration of power in men. And, as you'll see below, if you have enough zinc, it will give you more energy and improve metabolism.
* 2 Keep the male reproductive health and fertility
Zinc is an important mineral for good levels of testosterone and prostate cells require very high levels of zinc, for optimal performance. Low zinc in men reduces the production of testosterone, which makes them a risk of developing prostate cancer, and may cause infertility. Inadequate zinc is also associated with reduced libido.
One recent study was conducted on 88 men aged between 40 and 60 years showed that those who had normal testosterone levels had significantly higher zinc compared to those who had low levels of testosterone.
Low zinc was directly correlated to poor levels of testosterone, which makes men at risk for the appearance of the symptoms of male menopause.

Giving, rats who have had prostate cancer, high doses of therapeutic zinc, led to the healing of cancer cell proliferation and helped the rats maintain body weight, which is an indicator of better overall health and homeostasis. There is evidence of reducing biomarkers that indicate oxidative stress and inflammation of the prostate, using zinc supplementation. Overall enzyme levels were better. In contrast, the placebo group had a rapid increase of the cancer cells, and weight loss.
Researchers write that zinc is a "promising treatment against cancer" and that regular supplementation when men are healthy, the best prevention. They also suggest that zinc may compressing similar cancers such as ovarian, breast and colorectal cancer.
* 3 Maintain women's reproductive health and fertility
Adequate zinc allows women to make efficient use of estrogen and progesterone, supporting reproductive health and ensuring that estrogen in the body is doing what it should. When estrogen levels become very large, or are inefficiently metabolized, can cause poor reproductive health and development of breast cancer.
4 * Prevent cancer, and increase the immune function
Together with prostate cancer, bad zinc plays a role in the development of most cancers, because the instrument in a healthy cell proliferation. Recent evidence links deficitnost zinc cancer breast, colon, ovarian, lung, skin, and leukemia.Older people are at greater risk of deficience of zinc, which is not considered to be solely due to poor diet. There is evidence that the need for more zinc may increase with age to counter inflammation, support the immune system and ensure healthy cell functioning.
* 5 Improve Cardiovascular Healt
Zinc is important for maintaining the health of cardiovascular cells.Studies show that poor zinc status can amplify the negative cardiovascular effects of high-fat, high-cholesterol, while the adequate intake of zinc have a protective effect and will inhibit the progression of heart disease. The elderly population is particularly vulnerable to rising inflammatory markers including C-reactive proteins and cytokines, which are known as "slow, silent killers."
* 6 Become more sensitive to insulin and prevent diabetes
Zinc is required for the healthy functioning of most hormones, including insulin. Adequate zinc plays at least three roles when it comes to insulin.First, the zinc binds to the insulin so that insulin adequately stored in the pancreas and released when glucose enters the blood stream.
Second, zinc improves the health of cells, making a component of the enzyme necessary to the insulin bound to the cell so that the glucose can not enter, and that is used as fuel. The process of binding of insulin to the cell is what applies to the term "insulin sensitivity" and means that the cell is receptive to insulin.
When inuslin binds to the cell, "opens the door" to make glucose unable to penetrate. If the cell is resistant to insulin, glucose remains in the blood stream, resulting in high blood sugar, and eventually leading to fat gain. When zinc concentration falls, there is a reduction in insulin secretion and peripheral insulin sensitivity, leading to diabetes.
Third, the zinc has anti-inflammatory effects, as mentioned in 5 * through its role reversal of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein. Zinc also helps remove substances that cause inflammation in cells, helping to preserve the health of cells and insulin sensitivity.
How to test the level of zinc
The simplest way to test the zinc taste test did because we know that taste and smell are dependent on adequate zinc in the body. To do this test, get zinc sulfate and take 1-2 teaspoons, take a sip and hold it in your mouth. If it tastes like water, then you are very deficient in zinc. If you have a sense of metal goods, then you are deficient medium. If you have an extremely disgusting taste - very metallic and unpleasant - your levels are probably adequate. This test is based on the individual's perception of taste and not 100 percent valid, but it is good for the beginning.
Another option is serum zinc test, but there are factors that can cause inaccuracies such as fluctuations from meals, stress, diurnal variation and complications due to other nutritional deficitnosti. Plasma zinc test is another option will show a serious deficitnost zinc, but will not indicate moderate deficitnost. One should not rely on this test because even moderate deficitnost adversely affect health.
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