How To Be Happy -
How to relieve the burden from past relationships

relationships, in one form or another. Whether it's the last love relationship, friendship or even family, we carry this burden with us. And, it affects everything we do, the way we think and act. It affects our lives complete.
The problem is not that burden in itself, but the fact that we let it affect our every decision that we are defined and determined. Can we find out who we really are, independently of that cargo or us exactly it shapes?
If it shapes us, you owe yourself a chance in life to break free of that influence and dominance. "Let me pass," generally they all say. But it is far easier said than done. It does not happen overnight. Especially if you carry that burden with me for a long time. It takes months, sometimes years. But it is possible!
These are some of the ways that can help us in the process of relieving this burden and its impact on our lives, the decisions we make and the current connection.
At the beginning we have to be ready and willing to lighten the load
Why are we holding this burden is different for each of us. Some use it as a shelter from future injury, anyone he was the driving force and motivation; each using him feel certain emotions and one to protect against future progress! Whatever it is, is not good for us, and certainly not in our interest.
Very often we want to rid ourselves of this burden, but then give up, because at one time using it we get something that only we think we want. We know it's not healthy, but we are at a certain level of awareness incredibly pleased to have with us. The relief from the burden of the past is hard and does not happen overnight, but we must begin with the belief that this is exactly what we need.
Keeping a diary
The next step could be keeping a diary. Write down your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that affect your mood. Be honest and just write whatever comes to mind. Be self-critical, and his own judge - make your own court, where you will be completely realistic with yourself. To continue with the recording, so you'll see and the forms (patterns of behavior and thinking) and triggers! Triggers are crucial and they need to identify and change.
Let your story be your challenge
We write his life story from our perspective. If the story does not contribute to our current reality, to us to change it. Our story is from our perspective, as it should be. But we begin with the release of the burden of the past, it will bring us out step out of the story and see life from a totally different angle. Different perspectives will help us to get rid of the accumulated emotions they're choking and allow you to break the chains that have bound us.
Find positivity
Every relationship has a purpose in our lives, even the bad ones. Our goal is to find those beautiful and positive things that can help us to reframe how we looked in that regard.
Perhaps this past relationship has helped us to accept certain methods of behavior, we may have emerged from these connections stronger and more resilient, perhaps we become more grateful to the small things in life satisfaction. The only thing we can do is to stop focusing on the bad things and shift the focus to those nice, no matter how many were small.
Be kind to others
It's easy to be nice to nice people, but keep your goal is to be kind to everyone - even to those who are less deserving. This will shift the focus from past bad behavior of those good future. We can stop the effect of past bad behavior on our current and future relationships - let's start by making them left to oblivion and be gentle and good to absolutely everyone.
Create your own version of a happy life
When you start with the release of the burden of the past is very important to visualize your future happiness. How it will look like without that burden?
How we feel and react to new connections? The period when we are alone affect us? How we make decisions without the baggage of the past?
Once we have a clear vision of what life without the dependence of the burden of the past, we will be far easier to make future elections.
Relieve expectations
Once we begin to live independent of their burdens of the past, it is very important to work on expectations. It is our expectation that poor liaison between the past and the future, which does not allow us to enjoy every moment that gives us life. Very often we have certain expectations, some are unrealistic, and that we are not aware of it. Therefore, it is important to keeping a diary - warn us when we are creeps and why! We will know what the trigger and be able to eliminate from your life.
Keep in mind that in the course of this process feel fatigue, and even the desire to cancel. It sure is not an easy process of liberation, because as we said, it was not created yesterday. We carry it with you for a long time and practically became a part of us. We will be confronted with many emotions, and some will be painful. If we continue to live and continue with him, and that we do not face this problem, it will have an impact on our lives and on. Do not risk losing someone special in your life, the burden of the past. Do your best to get rid of it because it will only then be able to realistically examine your life and be exactly what it is. Only then will you be truly happy!
Horoscope for 2016
Year 2016: intensive effort, dazzling success. Is it not refreshing!? For every effort we make this year will be rewarded. We all know that to earn for a living, for relationships between people, and even some small things ,we need to invest and give a lot of more