Monday, August 27, 2012

FIND OUT Which Type of Muscles You Have ?!?!

    FIND OUT Which Type of Muscles You Have ?!?!
  Muscle tissue is made up of two basic types of fibers. Type I fibers are slow twitch fibers and usually speak about them as about aerobic or fiber for durability. Type II fibers are fast twitch fibers and are experts called anaerobic fibers. Average people have about the same ratio of fast and slow fibers. Nevertheless, for some athletes the case is just the opposite. In fact some people genetically have a higher number of fast or slow muscle fibers. This is why some people are genetically predisposed to be sprinters or weightlifters, while others are excellent long distance runners.

 How to Type II fibers tend to increase the cross-section much faster and easier than fiber type I, we can freely say that an individual who is predisposed to bodybuilding should be at least 70% of fast muscle fibers. Do not take this wrong, because the slow muscle fibers have the potential for growth. Fast twitch fibers have their subgroups and to type IIa - best react to load that causes muscles to failure between 10 and 15 repetitions, type IIb - 6 to 10 reps to failure and the type IIc - 1 to 5 reps to failure. Every single muscle contains all of these types of fibers in a certain respect, and these relations are different in different people. That is why there are no training programs that can be applied to all athletes (at least when it comes to bodybuilding word).

 There are a number of tests, including a biopsy, which can tell you that the percentage of fibers in each muscle. The program that we present here is extremely simple. You can export it to the gym with standard equipment. Its reliability is certainly well below 100%, but even you're not the world champion in bodybuilding still love to train. Test will definitely give you an idea whether you are predominantly rich quick or slow fibers.
 First you need to choose for each muscle group at a time isolating exercise and determine what your maximum in this exercise. This is done due to the fact that the ratio of fibers, can vary substantially from one group to the muscle. The best example is m.soleus which is predominantly composed of slow fibers while the muscles of the eyeball almost exclusively made up of high-speed fiber. When you learn the maximum in any given exercise you reduce the load by 20%. and do a set to failure. If you succeeded with 80% of maximum to do only 5-8 reps is extremely obvious that in the test fast muscle fibers predominate. The greater the number of repetitions that you can generate the cancellation to the lower percentage of fast fibers in the muscle and thus less potential for growth.

BREAST - Baker - Dec machinery or stretching on a flat or incline bench
FRONT DELTOID - front lifting a dumbbell or bar
MIDDLE DELTOID - sitting Lateral Raise
Rear deltoids - lifting dumbbell bent
BICEPS - Concentration Curls
TRICEPS - Thrust from his brow
Latissimus - pull over corrected hands